Thursday, June 25, 2015

Day 58: Bruceport, WA to Seaside, OR

Day 58 6/25/2015

Underway at 9:20 and continuing South on US101 to the Long Beach Peninsula.  We arrived at the Peninsula Visitor Center where we were directed to spend our entire vacation sampling the wares of the area.  We couldn't quite go for that so we headed to the Cranberry Museum a few miles up the road and learned more than we ever thought we would about cranberries, bogs, wet vs. dry harvesting and the history of cranberries on the peninsula.  We toured the grounds and purchased a few goodies at the store including a wonderfully delicious cup of cranberry ice cream.
Dunes at Long Beach

We took a walk along Long Beach but opted not to drive our RV along the sand and then headed to the Port of Ilwaco and a seafood lunch at Ol Bobs.  Then we walked around the shops and drove the scenic hwy 100 loop before driving 101 across the Astoria Bridge into Oregon - Mary's 49th state.
Looking across the Columbia River

We managed to hit Astoria at rush hour and after an exciting 30 minutes and a couple of "Park Full" signs, we found ourselves in Seaside, Oregon at the Venice RV Park - one of the few disappointments on our trip where we watched the tidal flow in the river and listened to the continuous drone of the 101 traffic 50 yards away.
Crossing into Oregon - Mary's 49th

Odometer:83252 Miles Today:95 Total:6052

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